Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ABNA Submission

January has been a very busy month, and I am proud to say that my third novel Power to the People has been completed. I have also submitted this novel to the Amazon.com Breakthrough Novel Award writing contest. Below is my pitch for the novel:

Power to the People

Like high-voltage power lines and routine everyday office work, many things have the power to suck the life right out of you. The difference between these two is that working in an office does it much more slowly, with mind numbing tasks and tedious social contests. Saran learns this fact the hard way, while struggling to get by as single girl in the big city, with a looming tax dead line, and an AI that would make any nagging mother proud. She relies on her friends, Lauri and Jonah, as together they navigate the maze of office politics, pranks, gossip, and revenge. Every step taking Saran closer to a point where her luck might at last take a turn for the better. Then again, the new President’s promise of transformative change may shift the fortunes of everyone in the nation. That is, of course, if he can traverse the gauntlet of political machines that have sworn to defeat him.
Power to the People is a rousing office comedy, set in a near future world, and wrapped in the suspense of political intrigue. Join us as we follow Saran and her friends on the roller coaster ride of her life, while America stands at the crossroads of embarking on a new future where it might actually learn from its mistakes.

Please stay tuned for more updates, as there are many more to come .

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